The Package image
Are your email marketing efforts up to speed? Do you need a refresh to stay focused and forward? Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the chatter around automation and marketing funnels? Are your current customers as important to you as your future ones? Do you need a tiny bit of hand- holding to keep you accountable and focused on your email marketing?

 This series was developed for you.

At coachativity we know it takes a huddle to grow your business and our Founder Wendi Caplan-Carroll is excited to dedicate the following program to you to help you manage and fine tune your email and social media marketing efforts. Her mission is for you to be successful at building solid relationships and generating revenue and sales for your businesses

The program will include the following:

-Three live “lunch and learn” webinars on Friday April 13, 20 and 27th
                Topics include: Automate Your Marketing, Digital Marketing Trends for 2018, and Wowing your Customer

-A recorded hour long “Power of the Inbox  Best practices in Email Marketing" webinar will be emailed to you upon signing up

-A 30-minute 1x1 Email marketing coaching call with Wendi

-A virtual email/social media accountability journal. This journal will be emailed to you each and every business day in May to keep you focused with ideas, tips and guidance following our webinar series

-A e-work book with content from our webinars and notes from Wendi

*Note, if you can’t make a live webinar, the recording will be sent to you.

Total cost of program including 1x1 coaching call is only $59.00

This program will be limited to 50 people so sign up today